
Image Credit: “A Water Story,” Public Visualization Lab

GIF’s, Master’s thesis documents and Inquiry recommendations. Please feel free to make use of these educational resources.

Standing Rock

December 4, 2016

Why was the pipeline re-routed to Standing Rock?
(GIF – 2 MB)

Why Was The Pipeline Re-Routed Standing Rock?

Download Instructions: Right-click on the above image to download the GIF file to your hard drive.


Source Material: Why was the pipeline re-routed to Standing Rock?
(Word doc – 167 KB)

Disclaimer: These materials were approved for sharing by Northwest Media Allies on behalf of the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe.


May 2016

The Ipperwash Beach Walk – Master of Design, Digital Futures, OCAD University.


Thesis Document – 107 pages – Low resolution
(PDF – 4.5 MB)

Thesis Document – 107 pages – Print quality
(PDF – 111 MB)

Disclaimer: These materials were created with the consent of the Chief & Council of the Chippewas of Kettle & Stony Point First Nation, in assistance with the Research Ethics Board for OCAD University.

May 2007

The Ipperwash Recommendations

Compiled and separated into categories in partnership with Maynard “Sam” George in 2008.


To view the full Report of the Ipperwash Inquiry please click here.